Birds of the Kgalagadi
Two hundred and sixty-four species of birds have been recorded in the park. However, not all are resident species. Many of the birds cannot survive all year round in the Kalahari and fly to areas where they experience more favourable conditions, either seasonally of occasionally. Of the species recorded, only 78 are residents, while 16 species are seasonal migrants and 18 are nomads. The large majority of birds (152) species are vagrants and are irregular visitors of the park.
Two-thirds of the raptor species found in southern Africa can be seen in the Kgalagadi, while the smaller species, such as the
Lilac-breasted Roller and
Swallow-tailed Bee-Eater, are also well-represented.
Some are very special, like the
Sandgrouses who fly 60-80 km in search of water and return to the nest at a speed of up to 60km an hour. The chicks drink by taking the water out of their parents' feathers with their beaks.
You'll find the
Kori Bustard, weighing between 13,5 and 19kg and with that being the heaviest flying bird in the world, or
Namaqua Dove who built their nest low down in the vegetation, even on the ground.
Sociable Weaver build huge nests which are usually situated in the lower branches of the trees, and may have up to 50 chambers and house up to 300 birds. Cape Cobra and Honey Badger are unwelcome intruders, Badger can destroy the whole nest structure in their efforts to get to the eggs and chicks.
A bit from Official information guide
There is too a lot of scavengers, like Vulture, Bateleur, Tawny Eagle.
And lot of others...
The emblem of the park is the PCG...
Pale chanting Goshawk
thank you Mel and Toko, you were a great help