Nikon d5300 or equivalent

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Re: Nikon d5300 or equivalent

Post by Pilanesburg_boy »

Thank you all for advising me :) hope to share some great pix soon..
Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and a Have a great and safe new year :)

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Re: Nikon d5300 or equivalent

Post by nan »

thank you, same to you and yours
waiting for the pix 0()

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Re: Nikon d5300 or equivalent

Post by Pilanesburg_boy »

Hi..I've checked alot of videos where people use flashes.. Do you any of you use flashes in your photography?

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Re: Nikon d5300 or equivalent

Post by nan »

sometime... \O

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Re: Nikon d5300 or equivalent

Post by BluTuna »

Always with macro photography, lots of light needed to get enough depth of field.

Flash can be used as a fill-in when the light is very poor or the subject is back-lit.

Also if it's dark ;-)

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Re: Nikon d5300 or equivalent

Post by Flutterby »

Congrats PB! ^Q^ Looking forward to your pics! ;-)

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Re: Nikon d5300 or equivalent

Post by Pilanesburg_boy »

I don't want to start a new tread on lens and binoculars..
In using the cheapest binoculars from game that was given to me from a friend who wasn't using it( not that great) it goes for 200-250 from game)
What would you suggest as a good binoculars around 1500-2000.

And lens.. I've seen the nikon 200-500 e ed f5.6...
How great is this lens compared to the sigma contemporary 150-600(non sports edition) or the 150-500 f5-6.3 sigma

Thank you

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Re: Nikon d5300 or equivalent

Post by Richprins »

Hello, PB!

I have always used Bushnell 10x50, in fact bought mine with my first paycheck in 1994! lol It is still ok, and baboon-proof...the lenses just pop out when you drop it. The focus is with a push-wedge instead of a little wheel, which is very fast and convenient.

That model was still around until a few years ago, unchanged, for under R1000. There is a newer one now, basically the same! \O

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Re: Nikon d5300 or equivalent

Post by Mel »

We have a Nikon Aculon 12x42 but they don't make that one anymore...

So, sorry can't help in that department.

As for the lens, I use the Sigma 150-500 mm with a Nikon body. I'm quite happy with the quality of the photos.
But I guess I would go for the Sigma Contemporary if I had to by a new lens now in that price range.
(And if I had the money, I'd go for the Sigma Sports 150-600 mm \O )

Can't comment on the original Nikon tele.
(Isn't that extremely expensive, too?)

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Re: Nikon d5300 or equivalent

Post by BluTuna »

Binoculars : I have a pair of Pentax UGF 16x24s. Small (fit in the pocket of cargo shorts), light and super clear images. high magnification is excellent for birding but they are a little difficult to use as the exit pupil (the dot where the light comes out of the binoculars and into your eye) is very small. They are useless at night because the small objective lens (the lens furthest from your eye) doesn't let in much light. Can be used while wearing glasses and have an easily detachable strap.

Lens : The Nikkor 200-500mm lens is better than the Sigma Contemporary and the Tamron 150-600mm Generation 1. The Sigma 150-500 is obsolete and nowhere near as good as the lenses below - it's cheap because the shops want to get rid of old stock. I had one - traded it for the much better Tamron 150-600mm, then traded that for the Nikkor 150-500mm which I couldn't be happier with.

The Sigma 150-600mm Sport, the Tamron 150-600mm Gen 2 and the Nikkor 150-500mm are all very similar in performance. I've heard complaints that the Sigma is heavy but that's all.

They should all work very nicely on a D5300.

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